Rowena Edwards

Rowena Edwards

Senior Associate Costs Lawyer & Marketing Manager

In work

Rowena is a Costs Lawyer and has worked in this field since 2002. She became a member of the Association of Law Costs Draftsmen (now the Association of Costs Lawyers) in 2005 and gained Costs Lawyer status in 2010. She is accredited by the Costs Lawyer Standards Board as a Costs Training Provider.

She joined Renvilles in 2016 and acts for clients in a wide variety of civil costs matters. Her experience includes:

  • Drafting Costs Budgets, Bills, Points of Dispute and Reply
  • Advocacy in costs assessments
  • Representing clients in Solicitors’ Act assessments
  • Running costs cases to Detailed Assessment
  • Negotiating high value costs settlements
  • Advising clients in complex civil costs matters

Outside work

Rowena’s interests include reading, walking and golf.